
Designed specifically to help anglers cover greater distances with more precision, Trout Spey can significantly increase your likelihood of a hookup on pressured rivers and hard to reach places. Whitney Gould shares insights on why a Trout Spey rod could be the ideal addition to your fishing gear.
There are a number of casting faults that most new Spey casters tend to make, but today we're going to focus on two of the most common culprits: The Bloody L and the Creep.
The Snap-T is a cast that can be performed with any fly rod. Watch this clip to learn the fundamentals.
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We've been teasing a classic fly in an upcoming members-only tying night. Here's a glimpse at how to tie one.
Steven Rinella is an avid angler, hunter and all-round outdoorsman. He is the author of five books and host of the popular tv series, MeatEater.