Anchored Podcast Ep. 103: Rodney Hsu & Kitty Kanhoffen on the Next Generation

Rodney Hsu & Kitty Kanhoffen On The Next Generation
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Anchored Podcast:

Rodney Hsu started the Fishing With Rod website in 2001. Its purpose was to serve as an online fishing resource for anglers throughout British Columbia. Today, however, Rodney’s popular fishing videos are the most watched sport-fishing channel in Canada.

Rodney has an academic background in fisheries biology and is a public adviser for the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC, a director for the BC Family Fishing Weekend Society, and a representative of Fisheries and Oceans Canadaʼs Upper Fraser Valley Sport Fishing Advisory Committee.

In this episode of Anchored April meets up with Rodney and co-host Kitty Kanhoffen to discuss getting children into fishing, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and managing public pressure. 
Length: 41:28

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Anchored Outdoors is an ever-growing network of fly fishing experts who’ve been brought together by podcaster and fellow outdoorswoman, April Vokey.

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