Renowned shed hunter, Steven Drake, teaches his secrets to finding shed antlers. Whether your goal is to shed hunt for money or simply decorate your house, this class is for you! Own it For Life for only $97.00!
Steven is a professional hunting photographer and shed hunter. He spends a major chunk of the year scouting some of the most rugged and physically demanding areas in North America. His passion and experience finding shed antlers (also known as cast antlers) have helped to make him a better hunter and outdoorsman, as well as an exceptional teacher.
In this mind-blowing class, Steven shares over twenty years of experience. He covers everything from where, when, how, and why to find antlers, to what you’ll need to pack for your trip, ethics, trade secrets, how to sell to buyers, and more
Purchase Steven’s Shed Hunting class here.
If you’re a Founding or Premium+Masterclass member, you’ll find this class in your Masterclass dashboard.
If you’re a Premium member, shoot us an email and we’ll tell you how to access it.
In this class, Steven covers:
– Shed Antlers 101
– Timing
– Scouting
– Tips and Tricks
– Rules, Regulations and Etiquette
– Uses for Shed Antlers
– Shed Hunting Gear
– In the Field