Lemon Scented Tea Tree – Jude Mayall

Table of Contents

In this short video, April visits Jude at her Wild Food Farm to discuss the lemon scented tea tree and its uses.

Episode #: 144 (click to listen)
Duration: 54 min
Topics Discussed: Some history on Australian native plants and spices, how to use them, and the basics of safe sourcing.
Behind the Scenes: Jude and April explore various native plants at Jude’s new Wild Food Farm.
Buy Jude’s Books and Spices: The Outback Chef CookbookOutback Chef
Bio: Jude Mayall is a chef, industry advisor, and author of the Outback Chef Cookbook.

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Anchored Outdoors is an ever-growing network of fly fishing experts who’ve been brought together by podcaster and fellow outdoorswoman, April Vokey.

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