Anchored Podcast Ep. 243: Chris Wood on Trout Unlimited Today (Part One)

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Anchored Podcast:

Chris Wood is the CEO of Trout Unlimited. Before joining TU in 2001, he served as a senior policy advisor to the Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, protecting 58 million acres of public land. Chris began his career with the Forest Service in Idaho and later worked with the Fish and Wildlife program of the Bureau of Land Management.

In this two-part episode of Anchored, we discuss the issue of abandoned mines in the US, their cleanup, and the potential of the ‘Good Samaritan remediation’ approach to facilitate these cleanups. We delve into the legacy of mining and hydropower in the US, as well as how TU navigates the issue of introduced fish.

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Anchored Outdoors is an ever-growing network of fly fishing experts who’ve been brought together by podcaster and fellow outdoorswoman, April Vokey.

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