
When it comes to fly fishing, picking the right fly can feel like a guessing game, especially when you're faced with so many options. But if you want to improve your chances of hooking that elusive fish, fly selection is where it all begins.
Are you tired of struggling to find the perfect matching pair of feathers for your fly wings? Searching through your hackle cape can be frustrating, but there’s a better way. The Wonder Wing technique simplifies this process, allowing you to create precise, balanced wings with just one feather.
Not all lakes are created equal, especially when it comes to fishing. Understanding the different types of lakes and their unique characteristics can significantly impact your success as an angler.
Clint Goyette, a seasoned competitor in the Canadian National Fly Fishing Championships, takes us through the step-by-step process of setting up your nymphing leader for optimal results.
Designed specifically to help anglers cover greater distances with more precision, Trout Spey can significantly increase your likelihood of a hookup on pressured rivers and hard to reach places. Whitney Gould shares insights on why a Trout Spey rod could be the ideal addition to your fishing gear.
As summer approaches and anglers head to the water, the challenge isn't just about casting your line but knowing where to cast it. Today, we’re breaking down Phil Rowley’s proven techniques for finding fish in stillwaters.
Have you ever thought about what drives the feeding frenzy of trout beneath the still surface of your favorite lake? Look no further than the chironomid, an insect often mistaken for a mosquito but far more crucial in the aquatic food web...
Mending is not just a technique but an art that significantly enhances your ability to present flies - be they dry flies, nymphs, or streamers - in a manner that entices fish, transforming luck into skill. One person who knows a thing or two about this topic is Mickey Finn.
To truly master fly fishing, becoming proficient in a variety of retrieves is essential. But for the purpose of today's article, let's focus on two foundational techniques used by Kelly Galloup: the Jerk Strip and the Vertical Jig.
Dive into the world of nymph fishing and elevate your trout game. Our recent Trout Fishing class with Out Fly Fishing Outfitters was a game-changer, unlocking secrets from perfecting hook sets to reading the river—essential insights that make a real difference on the water.
Reading and approaching water shouldn't be intimidating! Maximise your time by learning where fish hold.
Brian Chan explains how to approach stillwater to become a more proficient lake angler.