
Knowing how to build a shelter is a fundamental survival skill that could very well mean the difference between life and death. Drawing on the wisdom of renowned survival expert Tom Brown III, this guide offers a step-by-step walkthrough on constructing a shelter that could save your life.
Imagine being in the remote wilderness, your water supply dwindling, and the only available source is murky, sediment-filled water. Luckily, there are time-tested methods to purify even the murkiest water before boiling or filtering to ensure that it's safe to drink.
Tom Brown III demonstrates how to filter your water in an emergency situation.
Tom Brown III demonstrates how to properly use the throw stick.
Tom Brown III explains why the throwing stick is the one primitive weapon all humans should learn to wield.
Tom Brown III explains how and why to make your own camouflage by using simple materials around you.
Tom Brown III shares concepts and principles necessary to survive in the wild.